Our Story

Wood$ide, Chicago, IL
Wood$ide, Chicago, IL
During my senior year of highschool, I was fearlessly pursuing my dream of becoming a Rap Artist. I remember wanting to have something of my own that represented what I stood for as a Creator. Out of the whispers of my mind came Substance over Profit (S.O.P). I added that phrase to every lyric, in every song that I created. With the support of my late siblings, family, and lifelong friends; what started as a thought, quickly grew into a movement.
As I continued to pursue my dreams, I carried Substance Over Profit with me. It is the Purpose behind every Mission, the Passion behind every Dream, and the Driving Force behind every Endeavor. As I continue to pursue my Dreams and Create my Reality, Substance FIRST is my promise to both my Creator and my Creations. 
Substance Over Profit is a Movement and Lifestyle Brand that encourages anyone that wears it to make that same promise. To themselves. To their Dreams. And to the World.
Thank you for living a life of SUBSTANCE!